The correlation between migration chaos, national security and the COVID-19 pandemic is particularly relevant given the huge waves of migration to European Union countries before the pandemic, the reverse migration during the pandemic and the national security protection of European countries, at the same time in the ability to control migration flows and assimilate the core values of the host countries, as migration exchange is a generator of terrorist or criminal transnational threats. Especially in the last few years, when Europe was flooded by giant waves of immigrants, which on the one hand created a serious problem in clarifying their identity and origin, and on the other hand caused significant changes in the socio-economic life of EU member states. This has led to the emergence and consideration of a number of issues related to the adoption of emergency measures for the distribution, accommodation and administration of migration and refugee flows by the central executive authorities of the Member States of the European Union. On the other hand, it provoked the formation of a policy focused on medium-and long-term conceptual planning and restructuring of public attitudes, applied concepts, developed strategies and implemented specific measures to address mass migration movements by creating opportunities for integration and inclusion of immigrants in social the economic and social life of the host country. While in 2020, as a result of the pandemic of COVID-19, there was a wave of reverse migration, which in turn caused social and economic consequences and problems in the individual administrative-territorial units of a number of countries, including the Republic of Bulgaria. This process has necessitated the study of local communities, as well as the planning and implementation of various mechanisms to address the problems that arose during the pandemic. The process of integration of immigrants has different dimensions, which are related on the one hand to their inclusion in the community, and on the other hand to their employment. This report will pay attention to the reverse migration on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and will pay significant attention to certain economic and social features in the formation and planning of policies and measures to address the pandemic of COVID-19 and the protection of national security of the country in the context of the economic and demographic aspect.