Abstract. Internucleon interactions evolved via flow equations yield soft potentials that lead to rapid variational convergence in few-body systems.The Similarity Renormalization Group (SRG) [1, 2] provides a compelling method for evolving internucleon forces to softer forms by decoupling low-from high-momentum matrix elements [3,4]. A series of unitary transformations parameterized by s (or λ ≡ s −1/4 ) is implemented through a flow equation:where T rel is the relative kinetic energy. Applications to nuclear physics to date in a partial-wave momentum basis have used G s = T rel [3], so the flow equation for each matrix element is (withThe flow of off-diagonal matrix elements is dominated by the first term, which drives them rapidly to zero. This partially diagonalizes the momentum-space potential, leading to decoupling [4]. Pictures showing different initial NN potentials evolving to band-diagonal form can be viewed at the SRG website [5].In the left panel of Fig. 1, the 1 S 0 phase shift for the Argonne v 18 NN potential is shown up to 800 MeV lab energy. The phase shifts for the SRG potential V s are indistinguishable at any λ because the evolution is exactly unitary at the two-body level. To test decoupling, the original and evolved SRG potential (to λ = 2 fm −1 ) are smoothly set to zero for momenta above k max = 2.2 fm −1 . The SRG phases are unchanged up to the corresponding E lab , so high momenta are not needed. The AV18 phases are completely changed because even low-energy observables have contributions from high momentum, which has led to the misconception that high-energy phase shifts are important for nuclear structure [4