Zakharov-Kuznetsov-Burgers (ZKB) equation is derived for electron acoustic shock waves in magnetized e-p-i plasma. In the present model, magnetized plasma containing two electron population with kappa distributed positrons has been considered. The propagation characteristics of three dimensional electron acoustic (EA) shock waves have been studied under the influence of magnetic field. Our present plasma model supports the negative potential shocks. Combined action of dissipation ( ), superthermality ( ), concentration of positrons ( ), temperature ratio of cold electrons to positrons ( ), and magnetic field ( c ) significantly modify the properties of EA shock waves. The width and amplitude of the shock structures are modified by various physical parameters. It is found that shock wave width decreases with increase in , 0 , and c whereas it becomes wider for and . Further, potential of the shock wave decreases as one departs away from superthermal distribution.
K E Y W O R D Sdissipative medium, electron acoustic shock waves, Zakharov-Kuznetsov-Burgers (ZKB) equation