Development of both fundamental research and clinical applications of photoacoustic imaging callfor ultrasound detectors of high sensitivity, flat frequency response and compact size, which are not easily satisfied by traditional ultrasound detectors. Therefore, many alternative ultrasound detectors have been investigated in recent years and a representative one is the imprinted polymer microring resonator based detector. This review covers its principle, device fabrication, characterization and application, with an emphasis on how the microring's unique properties make it act as a high performance ultrasound detector in photoacoustic imaging systems. The imprinted polymer microring has high detection sensitivity, broadband frequency response, compact size and good operation robustness. Application of microrings in photoacoustic tomography generates truthful reconstructed images; use of microring in photoacoustic microscopy leads to improved image resolution; the detector's compact size makes it promising for photoacoustic endoscopic applications. When integrated with other electromagnetic wave absorbers, novel applications such as real-time terahertz pulse detection can be realized.
0733-8724 (c)reduced scattering and attenuation of the acoustic wave than its optical counterpart [1,17]. What is more, PAI can be combined with ultrasound imaging [19][20][21][22][23] or fluorescence imaging [23-26] to achieve complementary details to each other.Ultrasound detectors play a vital role in PAI. For example, in photoacoustic microscopy, its axial resolution is inversely proportional to the detector bandwidth and can be estimated by: R = 0.88 c/BW, where R is the axial resolution, c the sound speed, and BW the detector's bandwidth [27]. Since c is a constant in most soft biological tissues, R is primarily determined by the detector's bandwidth. As an another example, for truthful image reconstructions in the photoacoustic tomography, both high frequency signals generated from the sharp parts of the object and low frequency signals from the smooth parts of the object need to be collected efficiently [28].This requires an ultrasound detector with broadband response covering both low and high frequencies. Piezoelectric transducers have been the most commonly used ultrasound detector in PAI [29,30]. They are usually operated over a band of frequencies centered at their resonant frequencies where the thickness of the piezoelectric crystal equals to half of the detected acoustic wavelength. As a result, high-frequency transducers require thin crystals, which impose demanding fabrication challenges and robustness issues. Thus, the axial resolution in the photoacoustic microscopy stays around 15-20 µm [26,31], and is one order of magnitude worse than the lateral resolution achieved by fine laser focusing [32,33]. Moreover, a broad acoustic bandwidth covering nearly DC to very high frequencies, which is essential to truthful image reconstructions, is highly restricted due to the characteristic of this resonance effect. What is mo...