Photosynthesis is a biological process in which light energy is captured and stored as chemical energy by organisms such as plants, algae and certain bacteria. The stored energy is then used to power cellular processes. Most organisms that perform photosynthesis utilize chlorophylls or bacteriochlorophylls, in conjunction with other pigments such as carotenoids, pheophytins, and bilins. The emphasis in this article will be on the aspects of photosynthesis that relate most directly to the subject of inorganic chemistry. The aspects presented include excited states, photochemical reactions, the role of metal ions in photosynthesis, the structures of pigments, electron transfer pathways, reduction potentials of components, chromophore absorption and fluorescence spectra, energetics, and kinetics. Recent crystal structures of photosystems I and II, the important enzyme cytochrome
, and antenna complexes and supercomplexes are presented and discussed.