The pattern of filling of the internal space in fibrous filters strongly influences the behavior of the filter at the stage of nonsteady-state deep bed filtration. The model of single-fiber loading with deposited particles, including the resuspension effect, is presented. Structures of deposited charged particles from the range of diameters 0.01-10 µm deposited on the electret fiber of diameter 30 µm were calculated. Results of calculations indicate that the distribution of deposits around the fiber depend on particle size. Fractal dimension and local porosity of deposits depend on the predominant mechanism of deposition. The incorporation of the resuspension effect into the deposition models shows significant differences of the geometry of dendrites in comparison with the case of model in which resuspension was neglected.
INTRODUCTIONThe rational design of filtration process should be based on reliable predictions of the dependence on the effluent concentration and on the pressure drop variations with time for a given set of the operating conditions, i.e., particle concentration and size, filter packing density, size of filter element, gas velocity, etc. The pattern of filling of the internal space with the porous structure of fibrous filters strongly influences the behavior of the filter at the stage of nonsteady-state filtration. The initial deposition of particles on the clean collector (nucleation) and dendrite deposition in the next step of the process determine the properties of filters.The knowledge of a dynamics of dendrite growth can provide important information about the structure of clustering particles collected on a single fiber of the filter. It is especially impor-