The high magnetic-field phase diagram of the electron-doped infinite layer high-temperature superconducting ͑high-T c ͒ compound Sr 0.9 La 0.1 CuO 2 was probed by means of penetration depth and magnetization measurements in pulsed fields to 60 T. An anisotropy ratio of 8 was detected for the upper critical fields with H parallel ͑H c2 ab ͒ and perpendicular ͑H c2 c ͒ to the CuO 2 planes, with H c2 ab extrapolating to near the Pauli paramagnetic limit of 160 T. The longer superconducting coherence length than the lattice constant along the c axis indicates that the orbital degrees of freedom of the pairing wave function are three dimensional. By contrast, low-field magnetization and specific heat measurements of Sr 0.9 Gd 0.1 CuO 2 indicate a coexistence of bulk s-wave superconductivity with large moment Gd paramagnetism close to the CuO 2 planes, suggesting a strong confinement of the spin degrees of freedom of the Cooper pair to the CuO 2 planes. The region of the magnetic field-temperature phase diagram between H c2 ab and the irreversibility line in the magnetization, H irr ab , in Sr 0.9 La 0.1 CuO 2 is anomalously large for an electron-doped high-T c cuprate. The large reversible region even approaching zero temperature rules out thermal depinning scenarios. The temperature dependence of H irr ab also differs fundamentally from those predicted for the quenched-disorder-induced vortex phase transitions for H ʈ c at low temperatures. Thus, our finding of a strongly suppressed H irr ab relative to H c2 ab at low temperatures is suggestive of the existence of additional quantum fluctuations, possibly due to a magnetic-field-induced competing order such as the spin-density wave ͑SDW͒.