This special sec on in Vadose Zone Journal aims to highlight the latest research advances and emerging developments and applications of new techniques for visualization and characterization of pore-scale processes. Th e interrelations among geophysical, biological, and chemical processes at the pore-scale are still not well understood, but are of crucial importance for numerous science and engineering applications. For example, it is widely known that interfacial pore-scale processes control retention of contaminants and colloids, govern multiphase fl ow phenomena, and mediate various mass-transfer processes such as liquid dissolution, gas exchange, or volatilization. It is also clear that many geophysical, biological, and geochemical soil processes (e.g., microbial activity or wetting and drying) have profound microscopic eff ects on the structure of porous systems, as well as the distribution and confi guration of fl uids. Recent developments in observational and computational techniques have greatly advanced the study of physical, chemical, and biological processes at the pore scale. Within some experimental limitations it is now possible to accurately visualize the three-dimensional structure of porous systems, fl uids, and colloids at micrometer-scale resolution (Wildenschild et al., 2002;Werth et al., 2010). Furthermore, computational advances allow simulations of multiphase fl uid and gas fl ow at the pore scale and make it possible to incorporate chemical and biological processes (e.g., Shi et al., 2010). Exciting new research directions pursued by many research teams are not of mere academic relevance. In fact, many commercial fi elds capitalize on advances in microscale porous media research (e.g., enhanced oil recovery, biomedical applications, fi ltration techniques, ceramics, powder technology and other industrial nanoporous media). Similarities and synergies among biological, geological and industrial-technical fl uids systems have recently led to the founding of INTERPORE, an international society that aims to "provide a forum for discussing the academic and the industrial challenges of porous media, as well as fostering collaboration among theoreticians, modelers and experimentalists working in porous media research" ( e relevance of the pore-scale, which typically ranges from nanometer to centimeters, may not be immediately obvious for vadose zone research, which generally focuses on scales of centimeters and larger. Common vadose zone observational techniques do not intend to resolve smaller scales, and discrete pore-scale processes are assumed to "even out" to (possibly spatially heterogeneous) continua, such as the diff usive-convective processes of water fl ow and solute transport. Where needed, the pore scale is parameterized into a quantity that can be measured, derived, or otherwise be interpreted at the macro scale. For example, complex fl ow fi elds at the pore scale are parameterized at the macro scale as permeability and macroscopic hydraulic gradients. Th e moistu...