“… Journal of Business Research | | | | 2019 | Fjellstrom, D., Fang, T., Chimenson, D. | Journal of Asia Business Studies | | X | |
2019a | Fratocchi, L., Di Stefano, C. | World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research | | | |
2019b | Fratocchi, L., Di Stefano, C. | Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing | | | |
2019 | Gadde, L.E., Jonsson, P. | Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management | | | |
2019 | Grappi, S., Romani, S, Bagozzi, R.P. | Personnel Review | | | |
2019a | Hilletofth, P, Eriksson, D., Tate, W., Kinkel, S. | Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management | | X | |
2019b | Hilletofth, P., Sequeira, M., Adlemo, A. | Expert Systems with applications | | X | |
2019 | Johansson, M., Olhager, J., Heikkilä, J., Stentoft, J. |