Bouzouita (2001). As this array of jointly authored papers makes plain, it is almost an accident of history who turns out to be a listed author. In particular, we have to thank Wilfried Meyer-Viol for his influence on almost every page. A substantial part of chapters 2-3 overlaps with that of Kempson et al. (2001). And the discussion of quantification chapter 3, section 3 relies very heavily on chapter 7 of Kempson et al. (2001), which is largely his work. So our biggest vote of thanks goes to him. He cannot however be blamed for any of the analyses presented here, and he would certainly disavow the particular cognitive stance which we have adopted. So we thank him for the high standards of formal rigour he has demanded of all explanations articulated within the framework, and for the challenge of disagreeing with him almost every step of the way over the cognitive underpinnings of the system as set out.There are many other people over the years we have to thank, for their input, their support, even their disagreement, all of which have contributed to the further articulation of our ideas. These include, perhaps first and foremost our students, since they have had to bear the brunt of hearing our ideas as they have emerged, and so have contributed centrally to the way the framework has developed: