Based on the Woods-Saxon potential, we have developed a configuration-constrained potential energy surface calculation. This method has been successfully applied to the calculations of various multi-quasiparticle high-K states in different mass regions, well reproducing the experimental excitation energies and other observations. Further, we have developed the configuration-constrained total Routhian surface calculation for the rotations of the multi-quasiparticle high-K states. The pairing calculation is improved by a particle-number-conserving pairing method which always gives converged solutions for the cranking Hartree-Fock pairing calculations. In this paper, we focus on the predictions of possible octupole deformed high-K states in the actinide mass region. Using the developed configuration-constrained total Routhian surface method, we have investigated high-K rotations for nuclei around Z = 100 and 102 with N ≈ 150.