Given the urgent needs we face regarding Inclusion in Chemical Education (ICE), it is ever more evident that teachers worldwide need new perspectives to provide solutions for a more accessible, critical, and assistive education process. This work aims to propose a new pictorial representation, the Triangular Bipyramid Metaphor (TBM), for the awareness of Inclusion in Chemical Education (ICE). This new metaphor is depicted as a having a triangular bipyramidal shape with five levels of instruction: (1) symbolic or representational, (2) sub-microscopic or model, (3) macroscopic or phenomenological, (4) human aspect or context, and (5) inclusion. In short, TBM was created as a new perspective of the Mahaffy’s metaphor for working with students and the public. We hope that TBM could be useful for creating and developing novel solutions through interdisciplinary and comprehensive collaborations, providing new resources for ICE.