Nitrous oxide (N 2 O) is a potent greenhouse gas with a strong potential to drive climate change (1, 2) and will continue to be the largest contributor to ozone depletion in the stratosphere (2, 3). Anthropogenic activities, predominantly, fertilizer application in agricultural production, have contributed to a steady increase in atmospheric N 2 O concentrations, and a continued upward trend is expected (4-6). Particularly troublesome are the findings of a recent study that concluded that without solutions for the N 2 O problem, carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emission reductions even greater than those already proposed will be required to avoid climate change (7). Due to its environmental impact, the pathways leading to the generation and consumption of N 2 O have received heightened interest.In the environment, N 2 O is predominantly formed as an intermediate of denitrification and a nitrification by-product (8). Denitrification is the stepwise reduction of NO 3 Ϫ /NO 2 Ϫ to gaseous products (i.e., N 2 O, N 2 ), with each step being mediated by distinct enzyme systems (9). A kinetic imbalance in the rates of reactions producing and consuming N 2 O during denitrification leads to the release of N 2 O to the atmosphere (8, 10). In nitrification, N 2 O is generated by nitrifier denitrification and as a byproduct of ammonia oxidation (8,11,12). A recent report indicated that nitrifiers, rather than denitrifiers, may be the primary source of N 2 O in agricultural soils (12). Other processes contributing to N 2 O formation include respiratory ammonification (also known as dissimilatory nitrate/nitrite reduction to ammonium [DNRA]) and chemodenitrification (i.e., the abiotic reaction of NO 2 Ϫ with ferrous iron) (13,14). In contrast to the diverse pathways of N 2 O generation, the only known major biological pathway for the removal of N 2 O is by reduction to N 2 , catalyzed by the enzyme nitrous oxide reductase (NosZ) (8,(15)(16)(17)