UDC 556.34:551.44(474.2) Oliver Koit, Nataša Ravbar, Andres Marandi & Jaanus Terasmaa: Treshold-controlled three-stage hydraulic behaviour of a mantled shallow carbonate aquifer (Tuhala karst area, North Estonia) As karst aquifers are often characterised by non-linear behaviour, ascertaining the turning points in their hydraulic regime may provide essential information on the functioning of the aquifer. These characteristics also apply to the Silurian-Ordovician aquifer system, composed of diverse carbonate rocks, in Estonia. The aquifer system is an important source of drinking water in northern Estonia. It also comprises the NabalaRakvere aquifer, a locally important groundwater resource that underlies the Tuhala karst area famous for an intermittently overflowing karst spring known as the Witch's Well. The water rich in humic substances of the Tuhala River recharges the Tuhala karst system, which is drained by two spring groups. In order to develop measures for the sustainable management of the aquifer in the future, the aim of this study was to enhance understanding of the hydraulic behaviour and hydrodynamic properties of the Tuhala karst system. From October 2014 to December 2016 an extensive field campaign was carried out comprising the observation of 22 surface-and groundwater monitoring points for water level and physico-chemical parameters and the performance of four quantitative tracer tests. The data obtained were evaluated in accordance with the inputoutput water level relation curves and a conceptual model of the system was set up. The results show that a strong hydraulic link exists, primarily through well-developed conduits between the recharge and discharge area of the karst system. Depending on the hydrological conditions, groundwater flow direc-
IzvlečekUDK 556.34:551.44(474.2) Oliver Koit, Nataša Ravbar, Andres Marandi & Jaanus Terasmaa: Določanje mejnih vrednosti tristopenjskega hidravljičnega obnašanja pokritega plitvega karbonatnega vodonosnika (Tuhalski kras, severna Estonija) Kraški vodonosniki se pogosto obnašajo nelinearno, zato lahko z ugotavljanjem mejnih vrednosti v hidravličnem režimu zagotovimo bistvene informacije o delovanju vodonosnika. To velja tudi za silurijsko-ordovicijski vodonosni sistem v Estoniji, ki ga sestavljajo različne karbonatne kamnine in je pomemben vir pitne vode na severu države. Vključuje tudi vodonosnik Nabala-Rakvere, ki je lokalno pomemben vodni vir. Na tem območju se nahaja Tuhalski kras, ki je znan po občasno bruhajočem kraškem izviru Witch's Well (čarovničin vodnjak). Tuhalski vodonosnik napaja reka Tuhala, bogata z huminskimi snovmi, prazni pa se skozi dve skupini izvirov. Da bi v prihodnje razvili ukrepe za trajnostno upravljanje vodonosnika, je bil namen te raziskave izboljšati razumevanje hidravličnega obnašanja in hidrodinamičnih lastnosti kraškega sistema. Od oktobra 2014 do decembra 2016 smo opravili obsežno terensko delo, ki je obsegalo spremljanje vodostajev in fizikalno-kemijskih parametrov v 23 površinskih in podzemnih točkah ter izve...