We report the first evidence of an excitonic polaron and exciton-phonon complexes in nanosize semiconductor crystals. These are observed in CuC1 nanocrystal excitonic luminescence spectra under resonant size-selective excitation. The theory of exciton coupling with spherical phonons through the Frohlich and deformation potentials is developed and describes both the size dependence of the polaron binding energy and the degree of the exciton-phonon hybridization near resonance, when the 1P and 1S exciton level spacing coincides with the oneor two-phonon energy. PACS numbers: 73.20.Dx, 71.35.+z, 71.38.+i, 78.55.m Progress in the study of electronic excitation spectra in semiconductor nanocrystals (NC) for both the strong and weak confinement regimes [1 -5] has opened the door for studies of electron-phonon coupling there. In bulk the phonon interaction lowers the quasiparticle (electron, hole, exciton) ground state energy through the formation of a polaron [6], manifested as a socalled polaron Stokes shift of the resonant luminescence. Another polaron state is a bound state of the quasiparticle and an almost "real" phonon, called an exciton-phonon complex (EPC). Detailed considerations can be found in the review of Ref. [7]. In NCs the possibility of tuning the crystal size dependent energy level spacing to phonon frequencies opens an opportunity for studying resonant exciton-phonon coupling that is not available in the bulk. Most of the attention in NCs has been given to the experimental and theoretical investigation of electronpolar phonon coupling in the strong confined regime [8][9][10][11]. In the weak confinement regime, where absorption and luminescence are determined by the quantization of the exciton center of mass motion, only one excitonphonon coupling study has been reported [12]. This regime is realized in CuC1 NCs where the size dependence of the 1S exciton ground state energy E» = 6 m /2Ma (where M is the exciton effective mass, and a is the NC radius) has been well verified [4,5].In this Letter we report the first observation of excitonic polaron and EPCs in NCs. They are seen in the photoluminescence (PL) fine structure of CuCl NCs undergoing size-selective excitation. This fine structure exhibits a strong resonance behavior when the distance between the 1P and 1S states of the confined exciton equals the energy of one or two optical phonons. A theory of exciton coupling with spherical phonons through the Frohlich and deformation potentials is described for the first time. Quantitative agreement between theory and experiment allows us to attribute the observed fine structure to the formation of EPCs and the Stokes shift of the luminescence to the formation of a polaron, due to the strong exciton-polar phonon coupling in CuCl NCs.Samples of CuC1 NCs in an oxide glass matrix were grown with mean radii a = 15, 21, and 23 A. as measured by small angle x-ray scattering. PL at 2 K is selectively excited by the second harmonic of a tunable dye laser, pumped by a cw mode-locked YAG laser. Figures 1(a) an...