The decoupling of epitaxial factors influencing the dynamic instabilities of AlGaN/GaN metal–insulator semiconductor high‐electron‐mobility transistors is investigated. Three different sets of samples have been analyzed by means of dynamic instabilities in the threshold voltage (Vth shift). Secondary ion mass spectroscopy and steady‐state photoluminescence (PL) measurements have been performed in conjunction with electrical characterization. The device dynamic performance is found to be significantly dependent on both the C concentration next to the channel, on the distance between the channel, and the higher doped C region. Additionally, we note that experiments studying trapping should avoid large variations in the sheet carrier density (Ns). This change in the Ns itself has a significant impact on the Vth shift. These experimental trends are also supported by a basic model and device simulation. Finally, the relationship between the yellow luminescence (YL) and the band edge (BE) ratio and the Vth shift is investigated. As long as the basic layer structure is not changed, the determination of the YL/BE ratio obtained from steady‐state PL is demonstrated to be a suitable way to predict trap concentrations in the GaN channel layer.
Vth shift for a device stressed at VDS= 200 V and VGS=−20 V plotted on top of the sheet carrier density of the channel. Model: fitting of calculated relative Vth shift for varying Ns and Ntrap values.