Light-cone string diagrams have been used to reproduce the orbifold Euler
characteristic of moduli spaces of punctured Riemann surfaces at low genus and
with few punctures. Nakamura studied the meromorphic differential introduced by
Giddings and Wolpert to characterise light-cone diagrams and introduced a class
of graphs related to this differential. These Nakamura graphs were used to
parametrise the cells in a light-cone cell decomposition of moduli space. We
develop links between Nakamura graphs and realisations of the worldsheet as
branched covers. This leads to a development of the combinatorics of Nakamura
graphs in terms of permutation tuples. For certain classes of cells, including
those of top dimension, there is a simple relation to Belyi maps, which allows
us to use results from Hermitian and complex matrix models to give analytic
formulae for the counting of cells at arbitrarily high genus. For the most
general cells, we develop a new equivalence relation on Hurwitz classes which
organises the cells and allows efficient enumeration of Nakamura graphs using
the group theory software GAP.Comment: 52 pages, 21 figures; minor corrections, "On the" dropped from title,
matches published versio