emia (2.5 g/dL; normal, >4.1 g/dL), mildly elevated creatinine (0.95 mg/dL; normal, <0.8 mg/dL), markedly elevated D-dimer (6.3 μg/mL; normal, <1.0 μg/mL), elevated fibrinogen, and fibrin degradation products (FDP; 17.1 μg/mL; normal, <5 μg/mL). Enhanced computed tomography (CT) showed a large hepatic cyst causing compression of the A n 80-year-old woman was referred to hospital due to worsening bilateral pedal edema and mild exertional dyspnea. Physical examination indicated pallor, bilateral pedal edema and a distended abdomen. A non-tender, firm, immobile mass was palpable in the right hypochondrium. Laboratory data indicated hypoalbumin-