ABSTRACT. Both thromboxane A? and oxygen-derived free radicals appear to play central roles in group B streptococcus (GBS)-induced pulmonary hypertension in piglets. This study tested the hypothesis that GBS promotes oxygen radical-dependent thromboxane accumulation and pulmonary hypertension in infant piglets. Piglets 4-12 d old were anesthetized and prepared for assessment of pulmonary arterial pressure and arterial blood gases. In control animals, GBS (10' organisms/kg/min for 15 min) increased mean pulmonary artery pressure by 30 f 1.5 torr and reduced arterial Poz by 100 2 20 torr. Thromboxane A?, radioimmunoassayed in venous blood as thromboxane B2, increased by 2452 2 800 pg/mL. A second group of piglets was treated with dimethylthiourea (DMTU: 750 mg/kg), a putative oxygen radical scavenger. In these animals, GBS increased pulmonary arterial pressure by only 7 + 1 torr and reduced arterial Po2 by a modest 10 2 8 torr. Importantly, thromboxane BZ content in venous blood failed to increase above control levels in DMTUtreated animals. The protective effects of DMTU in GBStreated piglets could not be ascribed to inhibition of eyclooxygenase or thromboxane synthase because the oxygen radical scavenger failed to attenuate increases in pulmonary arterial pressure and venous thromboxane Bz content or reductions in arterial Poz caused by i.v. infusions of arachidonic acid. DMTU also did not ameliorate pulmonary hypertension evoked by the thromboxane mimetic U44069,: thereby suggesting that the scavenger did not act a s an end-organ antagonist of thromboxane receptors. These observations suggest that GBS promotes accumulation of thromboxane Az and attendant pulmonary hypertension through an oxygen radical-dependent mechanism. (Pediatr Res 27: 349-352,1990) Abbreviations Ppa, mean pulmonary arterial pressure DMTU, dimethylthiourea GBS, group B streptococci cfu, colony-forming unitIn recent years the chemical mediators of GBS-induced pulmonary hypertension and arterial hypoxemia in infant piglets Received June 19, 1989; accepted November 17, 1989. Corres~ondence and r e~r i n t reauests: Mark N. Gilles~ie, Ph.D.. University of ~e n t u c k i , College of pharmacy, '~ivision of ~h a r m a c o l o~y and ~x~e r i r n e n t a l Therapeutics, Lexington, KY 40536.Supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health (HL-36404, HL-38495, and an RCDA to M.N.G., HL-02055), the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and the Kentucky Affiliate of the American Heart Association.have come under increased scrutiny. Multiple lines of evidence point to products of arachidonic acid metabolism, both thromboxane A2 and sulfidopeptide leukotrienes, as important participants in the adverse cardiopulmonary response (1-4). Studies in our laboratory indicate that DMTU, a scavenger of hydroxyl radical and, at higher doses, hypochlorous acid (5, 6), suppresses GBS-induced pulmonary hypertension and arterial hypoxemia in young piglets (7), thereby suggesting that toxic oxygen radicals also participate in this model of sepsis-related pul...