This paper aims at answering two fundamental questions: how area spectral efficiency (ASE) behaves with different system parameters; how to design an energy-efficient network. Based on stochastic geometry, we obtain the expression and a tight lower-bound for ASE of Poisson distributed networks considering multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO) transmission. With the help of the lower-bound, some interesting results are observed. These results are validated via numerical results for the original expression. We find that ASE can be viewed as a concave function with respect to the number of antennas and active users. For the purpose of maximizing ASE, we demonstrate that the optimal number of active users is a fixed portion of the number of antennas. With optimal number of active users, we observe that ASE increases linearly with the number of antennas. Another work of this paper is joint optimization of the base station (BS) density, the number of antennas and active users to minimize the network energy consumption. It is discovered that the optimal combination of the number of antennas and active users is the solution that maximizes the energy-efficiency. Besides the optimal algorithm, we propose a suboptimal algorithm to reduce the computational complexity, which can achieve near optimal performance.
Index TermsArea spectral efficiency, network energy consumption, multi-user MIMO, stochastic geometry.