There is no single classification of TI-RADS. In different countries, various modifications are used. It is necessary to compare different versions of the classification for choosing the most optimal variant.Objective: a comparative “blind” assessment of the thyroid nodules identified by ultrasound, according to the TI-RADS scale in various modifications.Materials and methods. Retrospective analysis of 153 echograms of thyroid lesions: colloid goiter/nodular colloid goiter – 77 observations, autoimmune thyroiditis – 11, follicular adenoma – 77, follicular cancer – 2, medullar cancer – 1, papillary cancer – 36 observations.Results.A comparative evaluation of the reproducibility of the three modifications of TI-RADS was carried out – the opinions of independent experts were homogeneous. Ultrasonic criteria for the evaluation of thyroid nodules for each TI-RADS variant are presented. The European and proposed by Russian authors variants, in addition to the large signs of malignancy, use small features extended in the domestic version of TI-RADS, which increases the sensitivity of these classification options.Тhe shortest time to evaluate thyroid formations was required when using the European classification. The European and proposed by Russian authors variants, in addition to the large signs of malignancy, use small signs, which increases the sensitivity of these classification options until 51 and 53%. The higher sensitivity of the korean variant – 57.8%.Conclusions. It is necessary to further discuss the TI-RADS options and find the most optimal solution.