Sunzmavy. Irradiation (280-350 nm light) ot ;t bcnrclic solution of 3-phenyl-Z1~--azirincs Is-e in the presencc of carboxglatc esters, whosc car bony1 groups are activated by cloctron withdrawing groups situated in tlic acyl or slkyl mniety. produccs 3-al koxy-3-oxdzolines (Tab. 1 and 4, .Scheme 2) isolated in 18-820/, yield. Thcsc hcterocyclcs unduubtccily originate by rcgiuspccific addition of the ester carbony1 group to tho azirinu-dcrivctl I)r.nzonitrile-m~thylirlc 'dipole' (Scheme I).The 5-(2'. Z', 2'-trifluoroethoxy)-3-oxazolines, dcrivwl froin 2', Z', 2'-trifluorocthyl cwboxylic esters, on treatment with methannolic hydrogen chloritle a t low conccntration, are smoothly tranafornicrl into thc corresponding 5-niethoxy-3-oxazolinca (e.g. 16 -t 17, 'lkl). 5). Utilizing this proccxss, various hitherto relatively unknown [9] 5-alkoxy-3-0xazr~Iillcs lxcnnic accessiblc.The constitution o f the adducts is bawd cssentially 011 qwctral data. Tho structuro of Ivuas-5-methoxy-2,4-diphcnyl-5-trifluoromcthyl-3-oxazolinc (Ivans-14), thc addition product ol mcthyl trifluoroacetate and the bcnzonjtrile-benzylide from 2,3-di~~icnyl-ZH-al,irine (Id), was dcterniinctl b y X-ray crystallography (Scction 5).Benzonitrile-isopropylidc (22), resulting from tlic photo~~icmical transformation of 2,Z-dimcthyl-3-phenyl-2H-azirinc (la), also reacts with S-mt:thyl thiobcnzoate to givc 2.2-climcthyl-.5-mcthylthio-4,5-diphcnyl-3-oxazolic (26). Ethyl cyanoacetatc protonates prLvloniinantly tlic dipolar species derived from la at thc nitrilc C-atnm a i d yiclds aftor work-up cthyl a-cyanocinnamate (29) and ethyl isopropylidene-cyanoacctatc (30) (Scheme 4).Thc relative rate of addition (litel) of bcnzonitrile-isopropylide (22) to mcthyl a-haloacetates and dimethyl oxalate wds dcterrnined by competition cxpeririients (Scction 6). Log krel correlated satisfactorily (u = 0.97) with thc pK, of thc acide derived from thc estcr reactant: log krcl = -1.72 pX, + 2.58 or with Tuffs substituent constants u*: log kFel = 2.06 u* -4.11. [k,,l(methyl dichloroacetate) = 1; Scction 7.1J.O n the basis of thc results obtained, the modo o f rcilclion of thc so-callcd' br:nzonilril(:-methylide 'dipole' is discussed and a model for thc transition state of addition of cstcr-csrhnyl groups is proposed that accounts for the observcd rcginspccifity and stercoselcctivity.