In this work we investigate the electronic and optical properties of self-assembled InN/GaN quantum dots. The one-particle states of the low-dimensional heterostructures are provided by a tightbinding model that fully includes the wurtzite crystal structure on an atomistic level. Optical dipole and Coulomb matrix elements are calculated from these one-particle wave functions and serve as an input for full configuration interaction calculations. We present multi-exciton emission spectra and discuss in detail how Coulomb correlations and oscillator strengths are changed by the piezoelectric fields present in the structure. Vanishing exciton and biexciton ground state emission for small lens-shaped dots is predicted.PACS numbers: 78.67. Hc, 73.22.Dj, In recent years, semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have been the subject of intense experimental and theoretical research. As a new material system, group-III nitride based devices are of particular interest due to their wide range of emission frequencies from red to ultraviolet and their potential for high-power electronic applications 1,2 . Being a technologically promising system, we study self-assembled InN/GaN QDs, which are typically grown by molecular beam epitaxy in StranskiKrastanov growth mode. A theoretical description of the one-particle states in terms of a tight-binding (TB) model is presented, which provides a powerful approach to the electronic states of low-dimensional heterostructures on an atomistic level 3,4 . For the calculation of optical absorption and emission spectra, full configurationinteraction (FCI) calculations 5,6 are used to obtain a consistent description of correlated many-particle states. The calculation of dipole and Coulomb matrix elements from the TB one-particle wave functions facilitates the combination of these two approaches and allows us to investigate optical transitions between the interacting many-particle states of a QD with parameters obtained from a microscopic model. For the investigated small lens-shaped InN/GaN QDs, we report a negligible exciton and biexciton ground state emission whereas at higher excitation conditions strong emission from three to six exciton complexes is obtained.We consider lens-shaped InN QDs, grown in (0001)-direction on top of an InN wetting layer (WL) and embedded in a GaN matrix. Their circular symmetry around the z-axis (diameter d = 4.5 nm, height h = 1.6 nm) preserves the intrinsic C 3v symmetry of the wurtzite crystal. For the WL we assume a thickness of one lattice constant. We apply a TB-model with an sp 3 basis |α, R , i.e., one s-state (α = s) and three p-states (α = p x , p y , p z ) per spin direction at each atom site R. In contrast to most other III-V and II-VI semiconductors, one can neglect spin-orbit coupling and crystal-field splitting in InN and GaN 2,7 . We include non-diagonal elements of the TB-Hamiltonian matrix up to nearest neighbors and use the two-center approximation of Slater and Koster 8 which yields 9 independent TB-parameters. These parameters are empirically det...