Claudins form paracellular pores at the tight junction in epithelial cells. Profound depletion of extracellular calcium is well known to cause loosening of the tight junction with loss of transepithelial resistance. However, moderate variations in calcium concentrations within the physiological range can also regulate transepithelial permeability. To investigate the underlying molecular mechanisms, we studied the effects of calcium on the permeability of claudin-2, expressed in an inducible MDCK I cell line. We found that in the physiological range, calcium acts as a reversible inhibitor of the total conductance and Na ؉ permeability of claudin-2, without causing changes in tight junction structure. The tight junction is the most apical component of the junctional complex between epithelial cells (1). It acts as a barrier that regulates the permeability of the paracellular transepithelial pathway (2-4). Profound depletion of extracellular calcium to the micromolar range is well known to cause loosening of the tight junction with loss of transepithelial resistance, disorganization of the junctional strands, and internalization of tight junction proteins (5-9). There have been reports that more modest changes in extracellular calcium within the physiological range also affect transepithelial resistance (7, 10, 11). However, the underlying molecular mechanism has not been established.Claudins are four transmembrane domain proteins located at the tight junction between epithelial cells (12, 13). Their extracellular domains protrude into the paracellular space and form pores that regulate the paracellular permeability to small ions. The first extracellular loop appears to form the lining of the paracellular pore and determines charge selectivity (14, 15). The pore diameter, uniform among claudins, is ϳ8 Å as estimated from permeability to polyethylene glycols (16).We have used claudin-2 overexpression in a high resistance strain of MDCK 3 renal epithelial cells (MDCK I) as a model for investigating claudin pore permeability. In these cell lines, claudin-2 increases transepithelial conductance dramatically (17, 18) (10-fold in our hands), behaving as a cation-selective pore with permeability for Na ϩ relative to Cl Ϫ (P Na /P Cl ) of 7.5 (19). We previously identified a negatively charged residue in the first extracellular loop, aspartate 65, as an intrapore electrostatic cation binding site that is largely responsible for conferring Na ϩ selectivity (19). We now show that variations in extracellular calcium concentration within the physiological range regulate claudin-2 conductance and Na ϩ permeability. This regulation is rapid, reversible, and not associated with morphological derangements of the tight junction, indicating that it is distinct from the changes found with profound calcium depletion. Our experimental data and modeling suggest a mechanism in which calcium (and other polyvalent cations) binds with relatively high affinity to negatively charged site(s) within the pore, thereby reducing Na ϩ occupancy wit...