We introduce a general notion of miniaturization of a problem that comprises the different miniaturizations of concrete problems considered so far. We develop parts of the basic theory of miniaturizations. Using the appropriate logical formalism, we show that the miniaturization of a definable problem in W[t] lies in W[t], too. In particular, the miniaturization of the dominating set problem is in W[2]. Furthermore we investigate the relation between f (k) · n o(k) time and subexponential time algorithms for the dominating set problem and for the clique problem.
. IntroductionParameterized complexity theory provides a framework for a refined complexity analysis of algorithmic problems that are intractable in general. Central to the theory is the notion of fixed-parameter tractability, which relaxes the classical notion of tractability, polynomial time computability, by admitting algorithms whose runtime is exponential, but only in terms of some parameter that is usually expected to be small. Let FPT denote the class of all fixed-parameter tractable problems. A well-known example of a problem in FPT is the vertex cover problem, the parameter being the size of the vertex cover we ask for.As a complexity theoretic counterpart, a theory of parameterized intractability has been developed. In classical complexity, the notion of NP-completeness is central to a nice and simple theory for intractable problems. Unfortunately, the world of parameterized intractability is more complex: there is a big variety of seemingly different classes of parameterized intractability. For a long while, the smallest complexity class of parameterized intractable problems considered in the literature was W Most of them are "miniaturizations" of well-studied problems in parameterized complexity theory; for example, mini-CIRCSAT is the problem that takes a circuit C of size ≤ k · log m, where k is the parameter and m in unary is part of the input, and asks whether C is satisfiable. This problem is called a miniaturization of CIRCSAT, as the size (≤ k · log m) of C is small compared with m (under the basic assumption of parameterized complexity that the parameter k is small too). In [6], Downey et al. introduce the class MINI[1] as the class of parameterized problems fpt-reducible to mini-CIRCSAT. MINI[1] now provides very nice connections between classical complexity and parameterized complexity as it is known that FPT = MINI [1] if and only if n variable 3SAT can be solved in time 2 o(n) . This equivalence stated in [6] is based on a result of Cai and Juedes [1].Besides this "miniaturization route", a second route to MINI[1] has been considered by Fellows in [9]; he calls it the "renormalization route" to MINI[1]. He "renormalizes" the parameterized vertex cover problem and considers the so-called 1