The initial thermal temperature coefficient of the calomel electrode reported in Part I is combined with the results of thermal diffusion studies elsewhere to yield information about: the entropy of transport S* of the aqueous electrolytes KCI, NaCI, LiCI, HCI, and CaCI2; the experimentally determinable moving (transported)entropy S of the ion constituents CI-, K +, Na +, Li +, H +, and Ca + +. A four-constant equation analogous to the Fuoss-Onsager conductance equation is developed for the concentration dependence of the entropy of transport S* and is applied to the salts KCI and NaCI. The division of the moving entropy S into its nonmeasurable ionic component terms: the ionic transport entropy S* and the stationary entropy S, is attempted via two postulates: the Agar postulate and the KCl-bridge postulate which give results mutually consistent within about 0.8 eu (35 ~VF/deg), e.g., S~ (H +) = --5.22 eu from our data under the Agar postulate, and --4.42 eu under the KCl-bridge postulate. These values are in good agreement with previously reported values of --4.48, --5.5, and --5.7 based on a number of alternative postulates. Values are also obtained for the transport heat capacity C* of the electrolytes and for the measurable moving heat capacity C of the --4 ion constituents at 30 ~ A division of C into its nonmeasurable ionic components: C* and C is also carried out on the basis of Fales and Mudge's hydrogen thermal emf data via the KCl-bridge posUllate, and yields, e.g., C*o ----30 eu (Cl-), 5 (H+); ~-o =--24 (CI-),--5 (H+); ~o = 6 (el-), 0 (H+). * Electrochemical Society Active Member. Key words: calomel electrode, electrolytes, entropy of transport, heat capacity of transport, ionic entropy, ionic heat capacity, ions, thermodynamic properties of salines, thermoelectric power, transported entropy, transported heat capacity.) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-07-18 to IP ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see
ABSTRACTThe moving (transported) ionic properties S and C are partial molal properties of the ion itself and include the effect of its electrical charge on that portion of the solvation layer which travels with the ion (Eastman first and second regions). The negatives of the ionic transport properties --S* and ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-07-18 to IP