We consider the queue-length process in the M/G/1 queue with symmetric service discipline, which is defined as follows: With n customers in the system, the server works on the customer in position i at rate γ (n, i) ≥ 0. We assume i γ (n, i) = 1 for all n ≥ 1, to make the service discipline work conserving. The customer arrival process is Poisson with rate λ. A customer arriving to a queue of size n chooses position i with probability γ (n + 1, i), moving each customer in position k ≥ i to position k + 1. Conversely, when a customer at position i departs, each customer in position k > i moves to position k − 1. We refer to this system as a symmetric queue governed by γ . Important special cases of symmetric service disciplines are last-come-firstserved (LCFS), where γ (n, 1) = 1 for all n ≥ 1, and processor sharing (PS), which is modeled by taking γ (n, i) = 1/n for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n and all n ≥ 1. We refer to [4] for more background.Symmetric service disciplines have the appealing property that the stationary distribution of the queue-length process (Q γ (t), t ≥ 0), if it exists, is insensitive to the service-time distribution, apart from its mean m. In particular, if the load ρ = λm < 1, then, as t → ∞, Q γ (t) converges weakly to a random variable Q γ (∞) which satisfies(1)This note states two open problems related to the queue-length process in heavy traffic.
Problem statementAssume first that the second moment of the service-time distribution is finite. Let r be a scaling parameter, and let λ r be a sequence of arrival rates such that λ r → 1/m and r (1 − ρ r ) = r (1 − λ r m) converges to a real-valued constant. Let Q γ r (t), t ≥ 0 be the corresponding queue-length process in the symmetric queue governed by γ B Bert Zwart