It is proved that many-particle Bohm trajectories can be computed from single-particle time-dependent Schrödinger equations. From this result, a practical algorithm for the computation of transport properties of many-electron systems with exchange and Coulomb correlations is derived. As a test, two-particle Bohm trajectories in a tunneling scenario are compared to exact results with an excellent agreement. The algorithm opens the path for implementing a many-particle quantum transport (Monte Carlo) simulator, beyond the Fermi liquid paradigm. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.066803 PACS numbers: 73.23.ÿb, 02.70.Tt, 34.10.+x From a computational point of view, the direct solution of the many-particle Schrödinger equation is inaccessible for more than very few electrons. This issue is at the heart of almost all the unsolved problems in quantum transport. The standard solution to overcome this computational barrier is assuming noninteracting (Fermi liquid) electrons and decoupling the studies of transport from those of the electronic structure (via the effective electron mass) [1]. Nowadays, ab initio many-particle quantum transport approaches, based on the density functional theory (DFT) [2], are being developed [3] to surpass the previous approximations.In this Letter, we present an alternative approach, beyond the Fermi liquid paradigm, to study many-particle quantum transport using Bohm trajectories [4,5]. Bohmian mechanics was originally presented as an interpretative tool, and it generated an intense debate about the ''reality'' of the trajectories [6]. Here, this issue becomes irrelevant because Bohm trajectories (similarly to Feynman paths) are used to reproduce the probabilistic results of standard quantum mechanics. Following this point of view, Bohmian mechanics has recently undergone a revival to develop new quantum computational algorithms [7].We study a system of N (spinless) electrons described by a (first-quantization) many-particle wave-function, x; t, solution of the Schrödinger equation:wherex fx 1 ; x 2 ; . . . ; x N g fx a ;x b g is the vector of the electron positions. For simplicity, we consider a 1D solidstate system where the lattice-electron interaction is included into the electron effective mass, m. The potential energy Ux; t takes into account the Coulomb interaction among all electrons and the role of an external battery. First, we summarize the basic many-particle de BroglieBohm development [4,5,7,8]. Equation (1) can be split into two (real) equations when the wave function is written in polar form, x; t Rx; t expiSx; t=@. The real part leads to the many-particle quantum Hamilton-Jacobi Equations (2) The vectorxt fx 1 t; . . . ; x N tg fx a t;x b tg contains the N Bohm trajectories. We omit the dependence of each trajectory on its particular initial position, x a t o .On the other hand, the imaginary part of Eq. (1) leads to a continuity equation: