Simulating quantum transport through mesoscopic, ring-shaped graphene structures, we address various quantum coherence and interference phenomena. First, a perpendicular magnetic field, penetrating the graphene ring, gives rise to Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in the conductance as a function of the magnetic flux, on top of the universal conductance fluctuations. At very high fluxes the interference gets suppressed and quantum Hall edge channels develop. Second, applying an electrostatic potential to one of the ring arms, nn n-or npn-junctions can be realized with particle transmission due to normal tunneling or Klein tunneling. In the latter case the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations weaken for smooth barriers. Third, if potential disorder comes in to play, both Aharonov-Bohm and Klein tunneling effects rate down, up to the point where particle localization sets in.Keywords mesocopic transport · quantum interferece · graphene-based nanostructures · Aharonov-Bohm effect · disorder effects PACS 73.23.-b · 72.80.Vp · 73.43.Jn · 73.20.Fz