Solutions to the wave equation in the exterior of a polyhedral domain or a screen in R 3 exhibit singular behavior from the edges and corners. We present quasi-optimal hp-explicit estimates for the approximation of the Dirichlet and Neumann traces of these solutions for uniform time steps and (globally) quasi-uniform meshes on the boundary. The results are applied to an hp-version of the time domain boundary element method. Numerical examples confirm the theoretical results for the Dirichlet problem both for screens and polyhedral domains.This article initiates the study of high-order boundary elements in the time domain. For elliptic problems, p-and hp-versions of the finite element method give rise to fast approximations of both smooth solutions and geometric singularities. These methods converge to the solution by increasing the polynomial degree p of the elements, possibly in combination with reducing the mesh size h of the quasi-uniform mesh. They were first investigated in the group of Babuska [3,4,17,18]. See [49] for a comprehensive analysis for 2d problems.The analogous p-and hp-versions of the boundary element method go back to [2,53,54]. More recent optimal convergence results for boundary elements on screens and polyhedral surfaces covering 3d problems have been obtained, for example, in [9,10,11,12,13].Boundary element methods for time dependent problems have recently become of interest [48]. In this article we introduce a space-time hp-version of the time domain boundary element method for the wave equation with non-homogeneous Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions.