“…In order to achieve this aim, a number of instruments have been used in modern studies: - Simple questions (“How old are you?”, “When have you been hospitalized?”), which reveal disorientation in psychotic patients regarding age, duration of illness, duration of hospitalization (Crow & Mitchell, 1975; Crow & Stevens, 1978; Ehrentheil & Jenney, 1960);
- Instruments with nonverbal material , such as drawn (Getsinger & Leon, 1979) or paper circles (Beiser & Hyman, 1997), which, through their relative size, indicate the degree of orientation toward the past, present, or future; a visual analog scale (Blewett, 1992) for the assessment of subjective experience of time speed;
- Unstructured interviews , aimed at measuring the phenomenological time experience of subjects (Walsh, 1997), a future autobiographical task (Cappon & Tyndel, 1967), or a request put to subjects to describe their personality in the past, present, and future, and as seen ideally (Fleeson & Heckhausen, 1997);
- Sentences and stories with open time meaning: Wallace Open Events Task, Wallace Story Completion Items (Davids & Parenti, 1958; Levine & Spivack, 1959; Wallace & Rabin, 1960); Time Awareness Test (Kitamura & Kumar, 1982), Sentence Completion Technique (Bouffard, Bastin, & Lapierre, 1996);
- Instruments composed of parts of questionnaires with another basic objective: 4 TAT stories (Dilling & Rabin, 1967; Emrick, 1970; Wohlford, 1966), Time Competence Scale, with 23 items overtaken from the Personal Orientation Inventory (Emrick, 1970);
- Questionnaires requiring verbalization of subjective experience of time speed: by three degrees – slow, medium, rapid (Bech, 1975) or by a seven-point scale taking into consideration additional variables – Personal Time Passage Questionnaire (Wyrick & Wyrick, 1977);
- Expected sequence arrangements of 10 sentences referring to future events (Dilling & Rabin, 1967); “When” model for expression of future events (Golding, Magliano, & Bagget, 1995); self-report indicators of time perspective and projective tests of time perspective (Lilienfeld, Hess, & Rowland, 1996);
- Instruments of higher degree of structure and/or specificity: Time Test (Lennings, 1996), Time Structure Questionnaire (Mudrack, 1997; Vodanovich & Seib, 1997), Time Metaphor Scale (Glicksohn & Ron-Avni, 1997), Time Experience Scale with six empiric factors (Mahon, Yarcheski, & Yarcheski, 1997), Present Concentration Inventory (Melges, Tinklenberg, Hollister, & Gillespie, 1971), Temporal Extension Inventory – Future (Melges, Tinklenberg, Hollister, & Gillespie, 1970), Temporal Extension Inventory – Past (Melges et al, 1971), Temporal Integration Inventory (Melges et al, 1970), Future Time Orienta...