The cellular localization, relation to other glial connexins (Cx30, Cx32, and Cx43), and developmental expression of Cx29 were investigated in the mouse central nervous system (CNS) with an anti-Cx29 antibody. Cx29 was enriched in subcellular fractions of myelin, and immunofluorescence for Cx29 was localized to oligodendrocytes and myelinated fibers throughout the brain and spinal cord. Oligodendrocyte somata displayed minute Cx29-immunopositive puncta around their periphery and intracellularly. In developing brain, Cx29 levels increased during the first few postnatal weeks and were highest in the adult brain. Immunofluorescence labeling for Cx29 in oligodendrocyte somata was intense at young ages and was dramatically shifted in localization primarily to myelinated fibers in mature CNS. Labeling for Cx32 also was localized to oligodendrocyte somata and myelin and absent in Cx32 knockout mice. Cx29 and Cx32 were minimally colocalized on oligodendrocytes somata and partly colocalized along myelinated fibers. At gap junctions on oligodendrocyte somata, Cx43/Cx32 and Cx30/Cx32 were strongly associated, but there was minimal association of Cx29 and Cx43. Cx32 was very sparsely associated with astrocytic connexins along myelinated fibers. With Cx26, Cx30, and Cx43 expressed in astrocytes and Cx29, Cx32, and Cx47 expressed in oligodendrocytes, the number of connexins localized to gap junctions of glial cells is increased to six. The results suggested that Cx29 in mature CNS contributes minimally to gap junctional intercellular communication in oligodendrocyte cell bodies but rather is targeted to myelin, where it, with Cx32, may contribute to connexin-mediated communication between adjacent layers of uncompacted myelin.
Indexing termsbrain; glia; antibodies; intercellular communication; confocal microscopy; Schmidt-Lanterman incisures Cells in the central nervous system (CNS) communicate directly via gap junctions at close appositions between plasma membranes, thereby providing channels for movement of ions and small molecules from cell to cell. It appears that virtually every neural cell type in the brain has the capacity for gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC), and evidence for several levels of complexity in this process is beginning to emerge. Each cell type exhibits Mugnaini, 1986;Rash et al., 1997Rash et al., , 2000 Nagy et al., 2003a). In addition, vast numbers of gap junctions have been reported to connect not only astrocyte processes of different cells but also those of the same cell, resulting in extensive autocellular coupling formed by autologous or reflexive gap junctions (Wolburg and Rohlmann, 1995;Nagy and Rash, 2000). At least 10 members of the family of connexin proteins that form gap junctions in mammalian tissues are expressed in the CNS, and individual cells and gap junctions often contain two or more different connexins (Nagy et al., 1999;Severs, 1999;Nagy and Dermietzel, 2000;Nagy and Rash, 2000). It is now established that A/A junctions contain Cx26, Cx30, and Cx43, and th...