Protein and cofactor vibrational dynamics assodated with photoexcitation and charge separation in the photosynthetic reaction center were investigated with femtosecond (300-400 fs) time-resolved inaed (1560-1960 cm-') spectroscopy. The experiments are in the coherent transient limit where the quantum uncertainty principle governs the evolution of the protein vibrational changes. No significant protein relaxation accompanies charge separation, although the electric field resulting from charge separation m e the polypeptide carbonyl spectra. The potential energy surfaces of the "spedal pair" P and the photoexcited singlet state P* and environmental perturbations on them are similar as judged from coherence transfer measurements. The vibrational dephasing time of P* modes in this region is 600 fs. A subpicosecond transient at 1665 cm-1 was found to have the kinetics expected for a sequential electron transfer process.Kinetic signatures of all other transient intermediates, P. P*9and P+, participating in the primary steps of photosynthesis were identified in the difference infrared spectra.The reaction center (RC) protein contains about a thousand residues in three different subunits and has a molecular weight of -100,000. Two of the subunits, L and M, are related by an approximate C2 symmetry (1-5). Each of these consists of seven transmembrane helices that span the -45-A membrane lipid bilayer. Together these two subunits hold four bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl) molecules, two bacteriopheophytins (Bphs), two quinones (Q), and one nonheme iron atom. The C2 axis passes through the iron atom (near the cytoplasmic side of the membrane) and through the midpoint of the line joining the centers of the two BChl molecules on the periplasmic side that are in van der Waals contact and constitute the "special pair" (P).The primary kinetic event of the photosynthetic process consists of the transfer of an electron down the transmembrane chain of cofactors against the membrane potential using the energy ofan absorbed photon (for a review, see ref. (23) have presented evidence for a two-step electron transfer scheme where P* reduces BChl in 2.8 ps and the BChl-species decays with a time constant of 0.8 ps to form P+Bph-. Theoretical calculations are not unequivocal as to the involvement of BCh1-(24). Finally, information on the participation of the protein medium in the electron transfer is scarce.Ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy is a natural approach to obtain answers to the foregoing questions. The protein IR absorbance before and after the electron transfer should manifest the changes that accompany the charge separation. Indeed studies of trapped intermediates (refs. 25-27 cm-'. The electron transfer was initiated with a pulse of 870-nm light with energy 0.5 PJ and probed with a tunable carbon monoxide laser, which was gated (29, 30) by a short 870-nm pulse. The femtosecond pulses are generated by a mode-locked titanium: A1203 oscillator (MIRA-900; Coherent Radiation, Palo Alto, CA). A regenerative amplifier wa...