Abstract:The principles of diffuse optical tomography (DOT) of tissues are presented. The DOT capabilities as a method of breast cancer diagnostics are analysed. The state-ofthe-art of the DOT instrumentation and methodological base in application to solving the mammography problems are described. The significant contribution of Russian scientists to the development of the DOT methodology is emphasised. Basing on the results of the analysis, the authors expect the possibility of soonest entry of diffuse optical mammotomographs to the market of medical imaging instrumentation, and the capability of Russian researchers to take part in the competition for this market. © 2016 Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering.Key words: diffuse optical tomography, breast, optical and functional parameters, methods of determining optical parameters, methods of image reconstruction, perturbation model of reconstruction, temporal point spread function, spatial resolution, reconstruction time. University Press, Cambridge (2016). 7. S. R. Arridge, and M. Schweiger, "Inverse methods for optical tomography," in Information Processing in Medical Imaging, H.H. Barrett (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Flagstaff, 259-277 (1993). 8. J. C. Hebden, S. R. Arridge, and D. T. Delpy, "Optical imaging in medicine: I. Experimental techniques,"Phys. Med. Biol. 42, 825-840 (1997). 9. S. R. Arridge, and J. C. Hebden, "Optical imaging in medicine: II. Modelling and reconstruction," Phys. Med. Biol. 42, 841-853 (1997). 10. B. B. Das, F. Liu, and R. R. Alfano, "Time-resolved fluorescence and photon migration studies in biomedical and random media," Rep. Prog. Phys. 60, 227-292 (1997). 11. K. Michielsen, H. De'Raedt, J. Przeslawski, and N. Garcia, "Computer simulation of time-resolved optical imaging of objects hidden in turbid media," Phys. Rep. 304, 89-144 (1998). 12. S. R. Arridge, "Optical tomography in medical imaging," Inverse Problems 15, R41-R93 (1999). Darzi, "Diffuse optical imaging of the healthy and diseased breast: a systematic review," Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 108, 9-22 (2008). 19. S. L. Jacques, and B. W. Pogue, "Tutorial on diffuse light transport," J. Biomed. Opt. 13, 041302 (2008 Biol. 361, 171-179 (1994). 31. A. Yodh, and B. Chance, "Spectroscopy and imaging with diffusing light," Phys. Today 48, 34-40 (1995). 32. J. C. Hebden, S. R. Arridge, "Imaging through scattering media by the use of an analytical model of perturbation amplitudes in the time domain," Appl. Opt. 35, 6788-6796 (1996). 33. K. D. Paulsen, and H. Jiang, "Enhanced frequency-domain optical image reconstruction in tissues through total-variation minimization," Appl. Opt. 35, 3447-3458 (1996). 34. R. J. Grable, "Optical tomography improves mammography," Laser Focus World 32, 113-118 (1996). 35. V. V. Lyubimov, "The physical foundation of the strongly scattering media laser tomography," Proc. SPIE 2769SPIE , 107-110 (1996. 36. V. V. Lyubimov, "Optical tomography of highly scattering media by using the first transmitted photons of ultrashort pulses," Optics a...