Among the numerous spectroscopic techniques utilized in photosynthesis research, high-field/high-frequency EPR and its pulse extensions ESE, ENDOR, ESEEM, and PELDOR play an important role in the endeavor to understand, on the basis of structure and dynamics data, dominant factors that control specificity and efficiency of light-induced electron- and proton-transfer processes in primary photosynthesis. Short-lived transient intermediates of the photocycle can be characterized by high-field EPR techniques, and detailed structural information can be obtained even from disordered sample preparations. The chapter describes how multifrequency high-field EPR methodology, in conjunction with mutation strategies for site-specific isotope or spin labeling and with the support of modern quantum-chemical computation methods for data interpretation, is capable of providing new insights into the photosynthetic transfer processes. The information obtained is complementary to that of protein crystallography, solid-state NMR and laser spectroscopy.