This paper assesses branching spacetime theories in light of metaphysical considerations concerning time. I present the A, B, and C series in terms of the temporal structure they impose on sets of events, and raise problems for two elements of extant branching spacetime theories-McCall's 'branch attrition', and the 'no backward branching' feature of Belnap's 'branching space-time'-in terms of their respective Aand B-theoretic nature. I argue that McCall's presentation of branch attrition can only be coherently formulated on a model with at least two temporal dimensions, and that this results in severing the link between branch attrition and the flow of time. I argue that 'no backward branching' prohibits Belnap's theory from capturing the modal content of indeterministic physical theories, and results in it ascribing to the world a time-asymmetric modal structure that lacks physical justification.