In light of the global events resulting from the spread of the Corona
pandemic and viral mutations, there is a need to examine epidemic data in
terms of numbers of infected and deaths, different geographical locations,
and the dynamics of disease dissemination virus. In the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia (KSA), since the spread of the virus on March 2, 2020, the number of
confirmed cases has increased to 599044 cases until January 13, 2022, of
which 262 are critical cases, while the number of recovery cases have
reached 55035 cases, and deaths are 8901. It is a serious disease, and its
spread is difficult to contain. The number of cases has continued to grow
rapidly since the first cases appeared. Guess and Buck?s model for
forecasting time-series data is an important figure that cannot be crossed
when predicting fuzzy time-series, although several modifications have been
made to the model to improve the accuracy of its results. The Gaussian
mixture model and the fuzzy method for modelling new cases in Saudi Arabia
were used as machine learning methods to classify and predict new cases of
the virus in Saudi Arabia. Foggy time series forecasting. The studied
datasets from the World Health Organization from May 15 to August 12, 2020
were used.