Within the WHO global action against chronic noninfectious diseases the local action in cooperation of Occupational Medicine and Sports and Public Health Institute in Rijeka, Croatia has been undertaken. The Project objectives were improvement of psychophysical condition of women employed in the Institute and also to spark their interest in health and physical activities. The research comprised ergometry testing 19 female employees and so the levels of glucose and lactate were tested before and after ergometry burden. They have undergone the battery of psycho tests, stress test, test of anxiety as condition, test of anxiety as trait personality and test of depression. They had 6 weeks of physical exercises 1 hour twice a week monitored by a kinesiologist. After the exercises the results proved positive but not statistically due to short period of exercises. The Scout lactate test p = .357, p > .05 indicated a minor increase of lactate after the bicycle ergometry burden test and conducted programmed exercises in relation to the bicycle ergometry burden test before the exercises. Bionime glucose test after the burden and exercise showed a decrease but smaller compared to the burden test before exercises, p = .250, p > .05 which indicates improved fitness though not significant. Concerning psychic parameters the exercises resulted in significant differences in depression, p = .0197, p < .05. In conclusion, besides the importance of carrying out such programmed physical activities, diagnosed Electrocardiograph (ECG) changes, of 19 employees one was cosmetic and one cardiac organic change, point to the significance of screening in Occupational Medicine and Sports in diagnosing potential cardiac diseases in working population.