The objective of this study is to report the epidemiology, clinical and microbiological characteristics, and treatment of pediatric patients diagnosed with tinea faciei. 30 cases have been identified in which the infectious agent was isolated, the data was collected in statistical tables that were evaluated. In this series of cases, it is evidenced that tinea faciei affects more frequently the female sex in 73.3% and children under 5 years old in 66.6%. They attended with a time of disease greater than 30 days. 40% had previous treatment, 53.3% with polyvalent, topical corticoid and antibiotics. The presence of cats, dogs and rabbits was reported in 46% of cases, 76.7% had the genian region compromised. Trichophyton tonsurans was identified in 80% of cases and good response to topical treatment with terbinafine or sertaconazole in 100% of cases. The isolated etiological agents differ according to the geographical area where the study is carried out and new agents are reported that must be known given the wide interconnectivity between different geographical areas as well as the predisposing factors in the pediatric population that to date have not been clearly defined. These data must be proved with larger studies that allow to recognize patients that come to their medical appointment with this pathology. Tinea facie should have a CID-10 that identifies it, in order to have information from different geographical areas, since the isolation of new agents whose sensitivity to antifungals in use is necessary to know is reported. Finally, it is necessary to beware to new forms of clinical presentation due to the use of masks by COVID-19.