Abstract— Proses pembuatan produk multimedia menggunakan pendekatan yang identik dengan rekayasa perangkat lunak (SDLC). Pada pengembangannya, SDLC mengalami modifikasi sesuai dengan ruang lingkup dataset multimedia dan memunculkan metodologi Multimedia Development Lifecylce (MDLC). Namun metodologi ini memiliki kelemahan apabila produk multimedia yang dikembangkan berbasis waktu karena memiliki pendekatan yang berbeda. Sebagai contoh produksi film umumnya mementingkan tahap pra-produksi, produksi dan pasca-produksi seperti pada alur pengerjaan proses produksi video. Tahapan ini belum pernah diakomodasi sebelumnya pada standar MDLC. Kami mengusulkan modifikasi MDLC untuk mengkombinasikan proses produksi video agar dapat membantu pihak pengembang dalam merencanakan dan membangun produk multimedia berbasis waktu. Untuk memvalidasi usulan metode ini, kami menggunakan studi kasus film dokumenter krupuk Amplang Balikpapan. Studi kasus ini dipilih karena krupuk Amplang Balikpapan kurang dikenal oleh masyarakat terutama dari luar Balikpapan. Popularitasnya masih dibawah krupuk Amplang Samarinda. Film dokumenter ini perlu dilengkapi dengan perangkat pelengkap dalam bentuk website interaktif sehingga relevan dengan penerapan modifikasi MDLC. Hasil pengujian menggunakan Film Analysis Guide serta uji t berpasangan terhadap data responden setelah memakai produk ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode usulan modifikasi MDLC dapat menjadi alternatif pengembangan produk multimedia berbasis waktu.
Keywords: mdlc, proses produksi video, film dokumenter, amplang, balikpapan
Abstrak— The production of multimedia products follows a methodology that is identical to software engineering (SDLC). During the process of its development, the Standard Development Lifecycle (SDLC) was altered to accommodate the comprehensive nature of the multimedia dataset, which resulted in the emergence of the Multimedia Development Lifecycle (MDLC) methodology. On the other hand, if the multimedia product that is being developed is time-based, then this methodology is inadequate because it takes a different approach. For instance, the pre-production, production, and post-production stages of film production are the most important ones to focus on, just as they are in the workflow of the video production process. The MDLC standard has never before made room for this level in any of its iterations. As a result, we suggest a change to the MDLC in order to combine the video production process in order to provide developers with assistance in the process of planning and producing time-based multimedia products. In order to demonstrate the viability of this proposed strategy, we conducted a case study based on the documentary film crackers Amplang Balikpapan. The Amplang Balikpapan crackers were selected for this case study because they are not as well known by the general public, particularly those who are not from the Balikpapan area. Its notoriety is not yet on par with that of the crackers sold in Amplang Samarinda. In addition, in order for this documentary to be useful in the process of implementing the MDLC alteration, it needs to be accompanied with supplementary resources. One example of these tools is an interactive website. The results of the test using the Film Analysis Guide and a t-paired test of the respondent's data after using this product can be obtained by saying that the modified MDLC method can be an alternative time-based multimedia product development. This was determined by comparing the data from both of these test.
Kata kunci: mdlc, video production process, documentary movies, amplang, balikpapan