Disabled people do not have a proper place in church management. The stigmatization of their abilities can cause marginalization of people with disabilities. The stigmatization of people with disabilities is triggered because much of society still adhere to traditional beliefs. The lack of public understanding of the reality of people with disabilities is due to people's knowledge about the real world of people with disabilities. This paper intends to explain the congregation's understanding of people with disabilities and how the church empowers people with disabilities. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. This study found that initially, it was difficult for people with disabilities to accept their situation. However, they can rise and think positively because they receive assistance from the church. The church assembly activates the Diakonia program through material assistance, pastoral assistance, and empowerment. Now people with disabilities are starting to become independent individuals and actively involved in ministry. For this reason, to increase understanding of the reality of people with disabilities in society, it is necessary to introduce the world of people with disabilities to early childhood through various types of children's literature.
Kaum difabel belum mendapat tempat yang layak dalam penatalanan gereja. Marginalisasi terhadap kaum difabel dapat disebabkan adanya stigmatisasi terhadap kemampuan mereka. Stigmatisasi terhadap difabel, dipicu oleh adanya sebagian besar masyarakat yang masih menganut paham tradisional. Kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat mengenai realitas kaum difabel disebabkan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai dunia kaum difabel yang sebenarnya. Tulisan ini bermaksud menjelaskan pemahaman jemaat tentang kaum difabel serta bagaimana gereja memberdayakan kaum difabel. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penyandang difabel awalnya sulit untuk menerima keadaannya. Akan tetapi mereka dapat bangkit dan berpikir positif karena mendapat pendampingan dari gereja. Majelis gereja menggiatkan program diakonia baik berupa bantuan materi, pendampingan pastoral dan pemberdayaan. Kini kaum difabel mulai menjadi pribadi yang mandiri dan terlibat aktif dalam pelayanan. Untuk itu, dalam upaya meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai realitas kaum difabel dalam masyarakat, perlu dilakukan pengenalan dunia kaum difabel terhadap anak usia dini melalui berbagai jenis bacaan anak-anak.