UIN Raden Intan Lampung is committed to building eco-campus management, due to its increasingly widespread occurrence of pollution and damage environment in Indonesia. This research question is formulated as follows: What are the efforts of UIN Raden Intan Lampung in implementing Eco Campus management? From the research results, it was found that first, efforts to build awareness of the academic community to protect the campus environment by launching a sustainable development program, issuing regulations regarding the environment, forming a Sustainable and Environmentally Minded Campus Development team, and carrying out environmental outreach. Second, student involvement in protecting the campus environment. Through the Environmental Ambassador program, Third, the involvement of lecturers and employees in their participation in protecting the campus environment, by participating in the EMA (Environmental Management Awards) program. Lecturers and employees play an active role in preserving the campus environment. Fourth, the involvement of cleaning staff in their participation in protecting the campus environment. Maintaining the campus environment, maintaining air and water circulation, and waste management, are continuously promoted so that the campus environment remains clean, beautiful, and cool