BACKGROUND: Speech Sound Disorder (SSD) has been defined as a speech developmental disorder with unknown cause and heterogeneous manifestations. There are several approaches for the SSD intervention, but only few involve activities that focus on auditory perceptual, cognitive-linguistic and speech production addressed to all Brazilian Portuguese (BP) sounds. OBJECTIVE: To present a Phonological Stimulation Program (PSP) (Study 1) and to verify the effectiveness of the PSP (Study 2). METHODS: For the study 1 characteristics and activities to be addressed were selected. PSP consists of 12 weekly sessions with seven specific activities implemented in each session and designed for all BP consonantal sounds. Fourteen children aged between 60 and 95 months, diagnosed with SSD and presenting, PCC-R value between 65% and 95% participated in study 2. All children were submitted to 20 individual sessions, four sessions for initial evaluation, 12 sessions of PSP and four sessions for final evaluation. The assessment tests used for the effectiveness analysis were: phonology test which includes a Picture Naming task (PN) and an Imitation of Words task (IW), Speech Stimulability Test (SST), Speech Inconsistency Index (SII) and Phonological Sensitivity Test-Auditory version (PST-A). PCC, PCC-R and PDI indexes, the percentage of phonological processes and the number of different types of phonological processes were calculated based on the two phonology tasks. RESULTS: PSP development (Study 1) comprised all BP sounds allocated into six classes of sounds, each one stimulated in two consecutive sessions. The seven proposed activities were applied likewise in the 12 sessions: only target sounds and stimuli differed in each session. The activities involved auditory perception, speech production and phonological awareness tasks. In Study 2, PSP showed a significant difference in children with SSD, regardless of age and SSD severity commitment to the following measures that were analyzed in both the pre-and post-PSP evaluations: PCC-R, PCC, PDI, Consonant Cluster Simplification (CCS) in IW task, Stop Devoicing (SD), different types of phonological processes, and number of absent sounds. Furthermore the significant difference between pre-and post-PSP based on child age depended of: Liquid Simplification (LS) in IW task, CCS in PN task and Final Consonant Simplification (FCS) in IW and PN. The significant differences between pre-and post-PSP depended on phonological severity (PCC-R): PDI in PN task and PST-A in 'Odd one out' Alliteration task. The results suggested that activities proposed in the PSP were effective to improve children with SSD. Items showed no significant difference between pre-and post-PSP evaluations were: LS in PN task, SD in IW task and Fricative Devoicing (FD) in PN and IW tasks, PST-A in 'Go together' Alliteration, 'Go together' Rhyming and 'Odd one out' Rhyming tasks, and SII. These pre-PSP evaluation tests were already adequate in most of the children. Importantly, in the evaluation post-PEF children who still p...