Introduction: Labour induction is one of the most common procedure in obstetrics .Oxytocin is one of the time tested drug , but certain disadvantages associated with oxytocin can be countered by using misoprostol as labour inducing agent. Objectives: 1. To know the efficacy of oral Misoprostol solution in inducing labour 2. To calculate the induction delivery interval 3.To know the maternal and fetal outcome in the study population. Methodology: A prospective observational hospital based study involving 200 term pregnant patients getting admitted to the labour ward. All of them were induced with oral misoprostol in solution form at a static dose regimen, second hourly (20 ug) for a total of five doses. Labour monitored as per the labour room protocol, reassessed after five doses or earlier as per clinical progress. Results: 200 patients were included, the efficacy of its use was excellent, mean number of doses required was 5, with the average induction delivery interval of 13.65 hrs, with 77.5% of vaginal delivery rate and 22.5% of caesarean rate, 30% needed oxytocin augmentation and 6.5% of the babies had meconium staining of liquor, of them 23.08% showed signs of meconium aspiration syndrome and one perinatal death was noted in the study.
Conclusion:Oral misoprostol solution in static dosage is a simple, safe and effective method for induction of labour at term.