“…Previous studies primarily focus on the role of the enforcement of legal systems in the area of investor protection and show that strong law enforcement, which provides good legal protection to investors, also facilitates financial-market development and enhances firm valuation (see, e.g., La Porta, Lopezde-Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny (1998), (2002)). Some recent studies focus on labor regulations and investigate the impacts on firm behavior (see, e.g., Fallick, Fleischman, and Rebitzer (2006), Marx, Strumsky, and Fleming (2009), Garmaise (2011), Acharya, Baghai and Subramanian (2013, Wang (2016), and Younge and Marx (2016) Serfling, and Srinivasan (2014) find that intellectual property protection affects firms' capital structure decision, and Leung, Mazouz, and Chen (2015) find that intellectual property protection benefits small firms by improving the liquidity of equity financing and reducing their costs of capital. Finally, Flammer, and Kacperczyk (2016) show that intellectual property protection affects firms' engagement in corporate social responsibility.…”