The research tries to understand the intention and perception of consumers in buying the organic food products. The demographic profile of the consumers who purchase the eco-natural organic food products were understood in this attempt. Data were collected in supermarkets within 3 different areas Delhi NCR using mall-intercept approach. 277 respondents were interviewed using the survey method of primary data collection. The data obtained from the survey were analyzed using chi-square test, ANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple linear regression tests. Result indicated that the intention to purchase Eco-natural products was heavily influenced by the perception on Eco-natural product worth of purchase and the belief on the safety and health aspect of the product. Respondents were divided into two groups, one that of the buyers of organic food and the other of non-buyers. Among the Eco-natural buyers, majority consumers believed Eco-natural food to be healthier, tastier and better as compared to non-organic traditionally cultivated food. The study tries to estimate the existing awareness and understanding of the outlay and rewards of Econatural organic farming across innumerate levels viz. generation, environmental, marketer, and consumer purchase dimensions. Eco-natural organic farming shows many potential rewards that mainly include higher biodiversity and improved soil and water quality, enhanced profitability, and higher nutritional value as well as many potential outlay including lower yields and higher consumer prices. However, numerous important dimensions have high uncertainty, particularly the environmental performance when controlling for lower Eco-natural yields, but also yield stability, soil erosion, water use, and labor conditions. The study is an effort to identify conditions that influence the relative acceptance and performance of Eco-natural farming products, highlighting areas for increased research and policy support. Lack of sustainability, today is a leading cause of environmental decadence. Despite major increases in the generation of natural food items, developing countries like India seem to follow and adapt at a slower pace. Eco-natural organic farming has been proposed as a solution to achieving sustainable food protection.