Commentary on Banham & Gilbody (2010):The scandal of smoking and mental illnessa dd_3025 1190..1191 This issue of Addiction contains a meta-analysis of clinical interventions to help people with mental illness stop smoking [1]. Although the number of trials and types of interventions was small and the quality variable, the cautious conclusion is that interventions proven in the general population of smokers are also effective in those with mental illness. One might ask why there is a need to test separately in this population treatments already established in the general population? Is this not just an unnecessary and expensive reinvention of the wheel? It can be justified on at least two counts, both of which point to past failures on the part of health policy makers, tobacco researchers, the pharmaceutical industry and psychiatric institutions and staff.First, smokers with a current or recent mental illness have usually been excluded from participation in trials of clinical interventions, particularly those testing pharmacotherapies. Hence, we have little explicit evidence that these treatments also work for these smokers. This appears to be a case of the manufacturers being overcautious about side effects and drug interactions, or possibly defensive about a group of smokers considered traditionally very hard to help. It is a practice that should end. Drug regulators can act immediately by refusing new trials that exclude people with mental illness, unless the marketing licence is also intended to exclude them on safety grounds. Those with mental illness have not only been neglected in smoking trials. When gauged against need and risk criteria-smoking prevalence (population) and smoke intake (individual)-they appear to have been badly neglected in all areas of tobacco control and smoking cessation policy.Considering prevalence first, de Leon & Diaz, in a comprehensive meta-analysis of 42 studies, found that 62% of people with schizophrenia smoked [2]. The odds of smoking were six times higher than among those in the general population. In those with other mental illnesses the prevalence was 50%. People with mental illness were also found more likely to be heavy smokers, with 40% smoking more than 25-30 cigarettes per day compared with 15% in general population controls. These latter results are corroborated by biochemical measures of smoke intake. In four studies, those with mental illness had saliva or plasma cotinine levels averaging 44% higher than in general population controls [3][4][5][6]. Other studies have shown consistently higher scorers on questionnaire measures of nicotine dependence [3,[7][8][9]. These findings will surprise no clinicians working on psychiatric wards.Against this background of more widespread and hazardous smoking, it is not surprising that those with serious mental illness die about 25 years earlier than others, and are probably more likely to die as a result of their smoking [10,11]. While living, they will rely more often on state benefits and sacrifice a healthier diet and ...