We show that the use of the fourth-root trick in lattice QCD with staggered fermions corresponds to a non-local theory at non-zero lattice spacing, but argue that the non-local behavior is likely to go away in the continuum limit. We give examples of this non-local behavior in the free theory, and for the case of a fixed topologically non-trivial background gauge field. In both special cases, the non-local behavior indeed disappears in the continuum limit. Our results invalidate a recent claim that at nonzero lattice spacing an additive mass renormalization is needed because of taste-symmetry breaking.1 One reason is that breaking the taste degeneracy requires additional hopping terms in the lattice action, which, for a generic choice, make the fermion determinant complex. Also, the existence of a partially-conserved continuous chiral symmetry depends on the choice of mass term.2 In the isospin limit, the up-down sector is represented by a square root of a staggered determinant with the common light quark mass.