One type of domestic waste that needs to be treated is explicitly in the form of fecal sludge. The sludge needs to be taken into account because it can become an environmental problem if landfills only treat it. This study aimed to determine the energy potential of the mass balance for the total suspended solids (TSS) parameter. This study uses secondary data by measuring the mass balance on the TSS parameter. At the same time, mathematical equations do the calculation of potential energy. The TSS allowance in the study area was 94.9% (n = 12). Where the ANOVA test significantly changed at the inlet and outlet. The average TSS at the inlet reached 2869.1 mg/L while it was 49.5 mg/L at the outlet. The resulting fecal sludge can reach 1268.82 tons/day. With this generation, at least the energy that can be recovered is 14083985.25 MJ/day.