This article summarizes the results presented at the 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference in the categories of plasma-material interactions, divertors, limiters, scrape-off layer (EX/D), stability (EX/S), wave-plasma interactions, current drive, heating, energetic particles (EX/W) in magnetic confinement experiments. In total, 149 papers including post-deadline papers have contributed to these categories. Several closely related papers, which are actually categorized in confinement (EX/C), have also been included. The understanding of experimental results has progressed remarkably, in particular, in the topics of Resonant Magnetic Perturbation and ITER-Like Wall, which are the highlight of this conference. At the same time, identification of the bridging mechanism between the actuator and the consequence still requires further dedicated efforts so as to provide more accurate and reliable extrapolations to ITER and DEMO.